Speak My Language
Download MP3Shun (00:37)
Hey, I'm Shun.
Shannon (00:39)
Hi, and I'm Shannon.
Shun (00:41)
And we're the host of Wifey and Baby Mama, Happy Thursday Family. And just like that, we're on episode two of season four. Listen, before we get started tonight, Shannon, Shannon and I wanna say something that I reference on all my platforms all the time, know, enjoy each and every day to the fullest. know, time waits for no one. I mean, in the last week, we've lost some major icons in the music world.
Shannon (00:50)
Yes we are.
Shun (01:08)
Frankly Beverly, know Tito Jackson today rich homie Kwan, know one of the few new school artists that will make my husband attempt to cut a world, know and and an actual artist that I can listen to Yeah, He loves rich homie Kwan, I know it's so amazing right and and in one of the few new school we can listen to Shannon without getting a headache or my ear drums hurting, know what I mean? Cuz you know, feel about the ear
Shannon (01:15)
Get out of here. no, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Stop. He might really tell me quiet. Lord Yeah, that's amazing
Shun (01:37)
Some of these artists are this era like I can do without it. But anyways, you know, we'll leave it right there But yes, Shannon, he loved him and he was actually you know, he's like what and yeah, that's his man So if we missed anyone, know with this last week or so since we've been back Please charge it to our heads and not our hearts, you know We are both lovers of music and people here at wifey and baby mama So we want to take the time to send our deepest condolences, you know to the family and the fans of these great artists Shannon, you know, I'm gonna sing don't you?
Shannon (01:40)
Yeah, yeah.
Shun (02:07)
You know what I'm
Shannon (02:08)
Which one? You go sing.
And I'm gonna say.
And I'm a saying walk 10, 30, 30.
Shun (02:21)
Hey, that's a song Lord we didn't do them. No justice, but we love them. So please forgive us. That was that that was his jam. That's what made him like latch on to it. man So we'd seriously send our condolences and we're sorry if we buy their songs, but just know that we love them Not not at all that was our contribution hey, the Bible says make a joyful noise that was our attempt, okay
Shannon (02:27)
I exactly.
Ooh ooh ooh ooh.
yeah, yeah, yeah, we love them. Not making fun at all. Just, yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (02:51)
But you know, I couldn't resist it and we know we're sending just you guys know we're sending love and much light to to their families and Their music will live on as all the greats that have went on before them. All right so we just want to give that little tribute to those guys and Stepping away from music. We're gonna head into tonight's topic, which is speak my language
Shannon (03:03)
Shun (03:20)
And no, we're not talking about nationalities family. No, we're talking about love. We made love language. We made several references to the importance of love languages, you know, in other episodes. But tonight we're highlighting the importance of learning and knowing how to read and hear from your other half and how important, you know, words can be. You ready, Shannon? You ready to get into this thing? All right.
Shannon (03:23)
Love language.
yeah, I'm ready.
Yes, let's do it.
Shun (03:50)
All right when I've had conversation about this in the past or even talked You know about it here on the show most of the time we refer this topic as knowing what moves your partner You know what actions they display that mean I love you because they have a hard time with affection Which is what you know, we kind of touched on last week or I give you a bad example When my husband does something crazy we fight and I give him the silo treatment
He'll do something like bring me breakfast in bed or do the laundry for me for the weekend. And not that he never does those things, you but those are things in those moments. I understand that's his, I'm sorry. You know, that's his language because after almost 29 years, you know, I just know the man, but that's not what this topic is. No, we are flipping it. Tonight we're going to discuss speaking King and Queen language. Even when your partner is displaying.
Shannon (04:20)
Mm -hmm.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (04:45)
as in behavior Now y 'all know like most of our episodes I like to say some funny now and keep y 'all engaged so don't misunderstand me and I didn't mean that in a derogatory or degrading way But don't so so don't let people talk or treat you crazy now That's not what we're saying But just like we have to teach people how to treat us by what we allow it's the same for our words You know, baby mama. Do you agree or care to elaborate on that?
Shannon (04:47)
Right, right.
yeah, yeah, I totally agree. And in marriage, you really get to practice what you preach or not. And a lot of times, of course, I fall short. Of course, I'm human. And my husband will fall short sometimes as well, even though when we stood there saying those vows, you're at the altar and everything is just all, Rosie, and you're
Shun (05:22)
Show enough.
Shannon (05:41)
Like, we're gonna stick to this. And then the first situation comes up and you're hurling all these insults at each other. And when you're dating, a lot of times you're like, that's it, that's it. But in marriage, you try to figure out ways to bring it back together. And sometimes I could be the one to bend.
Shun (05:50)
Shannon (06:07)
and say, you know, okay, I was wrong. Or and then other times I'm stubborn and then vice versa, he's vice versa. He's the one that won't bend and you know, and then all of that, that, that rhetoric back and forth and you know, can get to be much. So when I look at couples and I do have friends that when they say they don't argue, you know, you have friends that say that and you're like, yeah, yeah, you're right. You're lying. You're lying.
But then you have those friends, when they say, we don't have that type of relationship, you can believe them. There's something about their demeanor. Yeah, something about both people. And I have really, really close friends that when they say they don't argue, yeah, they have disagreements. Not to say they don't disagree, because that would be really foolish. But they say, don't have arguments.
Shun (06:39)
Because those are two separate words. Those are two separate, that is true. It's two separate things. So yeah, I get it.
Shannon (07:03)
Mm -hmm. Yeah. Right. Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah. So being able to disagree and for that disagreement not to turn into a brawl or, you know, when I say brawl, not physical brawl, but, you know, just the words that we can throw at our partners. yeah. my gosh. You can kill people with your mouth. Yeah. Yeah. Mm -hmm.
Shun (07:18)
I get it. You can have word brawls Shannon That and you know, that's coming up later on Coming up later on in the season. So we ain't gonna touch it. We're gonna sprinkle it too much But that's literally a whole episode because it's true. It's true. Mm -hmm
Shannon (07:32)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Shun (07:36)
And so I get it. And when you say brawl, work, you can't get into a war brawling. Like I said, they can get more violent sometimes in physical ones. And this topic is so personal to me and calls the home for me, Shan, because this mouth, my God, this mouth has ended many relationships, romantic or otherwise. Like, and I'm not even kidding you, like devil child, listen, and I'm not proud of it, but I am proud of the fact that I recognized it, but it didn't come from my own understanding and wisdom.
Shannon (07:40)
Mm -hmm.
That's right.
Yeah, right.
Shun (08:06)
But it's something I can teach a class on, okay? Because I had to get beat over the head by our marriage counselors. Like, girl, you gotta stop. I ain't stopping nothing, because you don't talk to me like, I don't play that. You can't. In marriage, you gotta tap into that other side, you know? And it changed my life, Shannon. Because I used to be, you got me messed up. When we first started going to them, I don't care what nobody said. Y 'all can bring Jesus, one of his disciples down here. You ain't gonna talk to me, Grace.
Shannon (08:06)
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah, yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Yeah, yeah.
Shun (08:35)
They just looked at me like Jimmy you might want to run something wrong with her but I can tell you it can get live baby You hear me can get live with this mouth. We could get active talk to me crazy But shanna I had to learn that that was a trick of the enemy Seriously, and that's why we chose to do this episode with you all tonight because after she and I discussed Words can kill a marriage quicker than cheating quicker than infidelity quicker than bills listen
Shannon (08:44)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah?
Shun (09:04)
You have to learn to even even when they're talking crazy to you someone has to call it So that's what we're here tonight and like Shannon said sometimes in her marriage is her sometimes it's the husband I'm gonna pretty much say 90 % of the time it's Jimmy because I'm stubborn and baby we can go off we can play all day we play for six months and that's all and it's crazy, so he Became the one that say hey, you know, like I said do the laundry. Let's take a ride and I'm gonna tell you Shannon
Shannon (09:11)
Mm -hmm.
Shun (09:34)
He couldn't do that without me having a forgiving heart though. So it still plays both parts. You get what I'm saying? Because he can be as nice and as friendly as he want to, but if I'm just, you know, mean and I'm dead and stuck in my ways, then it's not going to work. So either way we have to learn to bend, you know?
Shannon (09:37)
yeah, yeah, right.
Mm -hmm.
Yeah, we do. And one thing that kind of got me, or not kind of got me, it did get me, is growing up with my mom and my stepfather, my stepfather was the one that was the first stepfather. You know, I've had a couple. So the first stepfather would go crazy. My mother was always cool, and collected. So I always thought that was the way I should model my behavior.
Shun (10:07)
Shannon (10:17)
But then as I got older, I realized, yeah, she was cool and calm, but her words were biting. My mother would not scream. She didn't yell, but what she could tear him down and say, you know, the things that, you know, later on in life, I realized I did the same. I modeled that same behavior. So just because I'm not yelling and flailing and, you know, jumping up and down and doing all the cursing.
Shun (10:17)
Shannon (10:47)
I learned how to craft what I was saying to be the most fighting, the most hurtful, the most harmful things to get under my, now my husband, but even when I was dating, you know, there were plenty of times where I was in situations where the boyfriend at the time, not my husband, but previous boyfriends would,
Shun (10:51)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (11:16)
you know, literally attacked me and I couldn't understand why. I'm like, why are you trying to choke me out? It's because I'm just sitting here all calm saying these things. And I'm thinking, you know, but the triggers you would set off in people. And I was intentionally doing it without knowing the reason why I was intentionally doing it because I was, you know, modeling a behavior, that can be just as disrespectful. So my, my,
Shun (11:30)
Shannon (11:44)
Point is to everyone listening is just because you're not yelling and cursing and acting the fool, so to speak, you can be just, yeah, yeah, very harmful and can cut someone to their core just because you're calm and collected and saying these things that you know because it's more deliberate when you're calm. It's more...
Shun (11:53)
Your words can still be harmful.
Shannon (12:11)
you're going for the juggler, I think, more when you're calm. I prefer, you know, if my husband is yelling or whatever, then if he's very calm and saying, slowly speaking and saying stuff, that's the stuff that gets to me more. And I realize, Lord, you know, I've done the same. So that King and Queen speak. Mm -hmm. Yeah.
Shun (12:30)
Curses that trigger and behavior and I'm so I just want to touch on that before you contain I'm sorry to cut you off but that but that word you said you were modeling behavior pattern that is so important because That's how most of our relationships. That's how most generational curses are passed down the modeling of behavior We don't know if it's right or wrong we doing what we see and sometimes we don't realize that it's wrong because this is what I see and
Shannon (12:37)
no, go ahead, go ahead.
Yeah. Yeah.
Shun (12:58)
That is so true, like you said, even with my ex -husband. And I didn't realize how bad my mouth was until we were divorced. And he told my daughter, I don't understand how anyone could argue with your mother. He said that was the only reason, the only thing that I was grateful for when we divorced. I didn't have to suffer her mouth anymore. You know how bad that was? That really hurt my feelings because he said she would cut me like a knife, like she said something personal.
Shannon (13:18)
Shun (13:26)
She she said such things that it cut me, know to my core and i'm like In the moment and I could say this and I hope if he listened he understands But we're really good friends. I know that he would and the moment I saw him as weak Because he didn't come back at me. He didn't he didn't go round for round a pound for pound me I'm he weak. He can't deal with me. The truth is the man was so hurt He didn't want to project that kind of hurt back onto me because he loved me And I had to think of that when they tell you
Shannon (13:37)
Yeah, yeah.
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.
Shun (13:55)
Don't bring baggage from other relationships to the next where I don't do things. Well, that's one thing I'm actually happy that I bought to this marriage because that helped me to stop doing that to Jimmy because I realized that this husband, this is forever. I ain't doing this again. I just the third marriage, babe. I'm gonna get it right or I'm out. You know, it's like baseball. I ain't doing it no more. I don't have another chance at this. So I need to do it right. And not that I can't get, I could probably get another man tomorrow. He can get another wife, but this is what I want.
Shannon (14:06)
Mm -hmm.
Mm -hmm. Right, Mm -hmm.
Shun (14:24)
I don't want to go through that. This is what I'm choosing. I'm planting my feet here and this is where I draw the line. So I was able to say, what did I do so wrong in that marriage? Cause I tell y 'all all the time and I can't say it enough. That was a perfect, that guy was a good husband. Not perfect. No one's perfect. But I know you guys know what you're saying. And I don't know, my husband don't take any offense to that because we just was too hot head, bowler. But you know, and so I thought I need this calm man because
Shannon (14:25)
That's right. Yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Right, right.
Shun (14:51)
I need this comment because I'm a firecracker and then we gonna work. No, that didn't work because that's not what I needed. What I needed was to get my life together. What I needed was to watch my mouth and control my tone and be a lady. That's what I needed. So standing that marriage would have probably just kept me under that same trigger under that same, like you said, pattern Shannon. And guess what? The enemy keeps you at a certain level. If he can keep you in that bad zone, if he can keep you in that zone, you can't grow.
Shannon (14:58)
Right. Yeah.
Mm -hmm. Yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (15:20)
then if you can't grow, you can't go to where you're supposed to be. So I'm so happy that I was smart enough to get out of that, you know?
Shannon (15:24)
Yeah, but I also recognize too, I know we say the enemy, but a lot of times the enemy is us, it's our own flesh that we have to control and master.
Shun (15:36)
It is.
But it's our flesh but it's and that's totally true, but it's also generational stuff Like you said, chan, a lot of time those are the patterns that we saw my mother gave me in the hell, And maybe I subconsciously did it I mean you out you all got up. You all got to watch broken love You know, you're gonna look be see a little bit of Sally in there She was a force to reckon with baby. So that all you know watching that being so close to it's a it's your mom You're gonna you're gonna adapt some of that behavior. I have brothers
Shannon (15:43)
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Shun (16:08)
That would say to me I wouldn't let my two brothers. I would never date any of my sisters. boy, please Yeah, hell I promise you both of them have said that to me. I would never date any of my sisters and you know why that is because they watched us grow in that pattern like you said Shannon in that language and that we have those sharp tongues and Guess what? No, go ahead
Shannon (16:13)
Wow. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Yeah. Yeah.
No, I was just going to say, you know, when you talk about, you your mother pattern and, you know, and then my stepmother was totally different from my mother. And, you know, my stepmother was the, you know, the screamer, the yeller. And I used to always compare the two and, you know, kind of brag on my mother. my mother, she never yelled. my mother. She's so peaceful. And I love my mom, you know, and not, you know.
Shun (16:52)
She's such a lady. She's such a lady.
Shannon (17:00)
But she wasn't perfect because she could use her tongue in the way that could slice and dice and cut and do all these things. So neither one, mom or stepmom, was the perfect models in how you should act and treat your husband like a king and therefore get a queen treatment from your husband. And my grandmother, my
father's side, my dad's mother, she truly should have been treated like a queen because she was the sweetest woman. And I know people will say, you don't know, but no, no, she was. She wasn't like my mom. She wasn't like my stepmom. She was sweet, but she did not get that queen treatment. you know, I, I felt for her. And to this day, I still feel for her, even though she's been gone a long time.
I had one of the sweetest grandmothers in the world where she was just a kind hearted woman and she would not ever go against my grandfather. And it wasn't like she was submissive and afraid because I remember one time she did kind of go at him, not go at him, but.
there was a situation with another woman. And so my grandmother was trying to stand up for herself. And I was like, okay, she does have a backbone. But in the day to day life, she wasn't that woman that was constantly going against the grain. So she was truly trying to treat him like the king. And I wish she would have gotten, yeah, she would have gotten the true queen treatment.
Shun (18:43)
that he was.
I want to say something I just heard you say just just triggered, you know a little thought when you said So she could get the Queen behavior now. I want I want to I want to just clarify something I know this is what you meant, but I just want to make clear to the audience. It doesn't mean get walked over That's not what we're saying
Shannon (19:02)
Mm -hmm. That's right. Yep. Yep.
Shun (19:06)
That's what I and I bring that point because that's what I used to equate Being quiet or that's why I used to equate being submissive to I Promise you you ain't about to do it to me. It's not about that all the time. It's not about us this episode I need you guys to hear before we wrap up I swear they point so clear before we wrap up because this is really important in marriages in any committed relationships It's not about being a rug or being walked on
Shannon (19:12)
Mm -hmm.
That's right.
Right, right.
All right.
Shun (19:35)
It's about saying to yourself, let me listen to hear sometimes Shannon that behavior in my case I'm going to tell you that behavior like I displayed toward my ex husband. It didn't come from something he did to me. He didn't trigger me. It's coming from a place in the past and I was projecting a lot of times I was projecting somebody else stuff onto him. Even my, my, me and my mother's or me and my father's stuff onto him because I created that shell. You ain't touching me.
Shannon (19:48)
Mm -hmm. That's right.
Shun (20:02)
You know what I'm saying? Nobody's going to hurt me again. So it can come from a lot of different places. It's not necessarily men and women business when we're going at it. So it's so important to hear. Even though Shannon, I talked crazy to Jimmy. It was so important for him to learn. She's not really talking to me when Jimmy talked crazy to me. Cause that's another episode we talked about that. We're going to get into it. We're going to get into it for season four, but I want you to understand something, Shannon. It's so important that even if they come in at you like that,
Shannon (20:03)
yeah, we gotta get into that one.
Shun (20:31)
to sometimes just retreat because you got to say to yourself, it more important to be right or is it more important to maintain my relationship?
Shannon (20:40)
Yeah, yeah. And it took me a while to learn that in my marriage. I mean, not that I have 29 years like you and Jimmy, but with Will and... No, I know, I know. Yeah, we know the story. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Exactly. And for Will and I, we just have the seven years, but...
Shun (20:41)
You know.
we don't have 29 straight. You know the story. We have 29 years of getting to know each other though. I know that's what you're saying. It wasn't in marriage, There was some love and war going on.
Shannon (21:07)
It took me those first three years to kind of understand when he said certain things, that's coming from somewhere way back from 1973. That ain't current day. Yeah, yeah. So it took me a minute.
Shun (21:17)
huh, for real.
The best.
So I hope you guys, I hope we got the gist of it. know, again, we're not doctors. We're not gonna hit the perfect mark every time. But we felt like these topics are season four, like we explained in the Welcome Back episode. These are topics that we wanna get into different things. We don't wanna paint a picture. it's so great. Marriage is the best thing. Blended families is it. No, we wanna give you the real. So I hope we portrayed.
Shannon (21:31)
That's right.
Shun (21:49)
this topic of speaking language, you know, the best that we could. Shannon, do you have anything else you want to add to the title before we wrap?
Shannon (21:54)
Yeah, yeah, just the one thing that I think we didn't really touch on this or we touched on maybe a little bit, just making sure the examples that you're setting for your children, whether they're your biological, your bonus kids, your blended family kids, whatever they are. When you learn these things and you learn how to represent, just like I mentioned, I thought I grew up with the best.
you know, motto ever. no yelling, no screaming. My household is just great. No, it's still, you know, you got to understand what comes out of your mouth in front of your children and recognize what kind of harm you can cause them. And they will carry that with them and then emulate it. You know, you might be raising a mini me and you think that's all cute. And it's not if you're not being the
Shun (22:42)
Shannon (22:50)
You know, not that like Sean just said, no one's perfect and we cannot pretend to be. but we can do our best and, and then even apologize if we do flip out and something goes left, we can go back to our children and say, Hey, look, you know, I'm sorry, mommy lost it. And I would try to do better. I will not, you know, make this a thing that you see forever or ongoing because we do want healthy.
Shun (23:00)
Mm -hmm. That's a pep.
Shannon (23:20)
children, emotionally healthy children. And that's the only way to do it is to recognize our own demons and figure out how to pray through them and exercise them out of our spirit and our lives.
Shun (23:36)
All right that's all you got.
Shannon (23:41)
All right, that's it.
Shun (23:44)
All right, well, I'll just piggyback off, baby, mama and the wrap up. I have so many people that I know that have no clue of the importance of language in relationship, especially in blended families. You've got to certainly be extra careful in those areas because how you talk to that man or that woman will sometimes rub off on those kids. And it sets a tone just like she just said. So please understand that. Even if it's not blended, even if it's natural parents, know.
Shannon (23:57)
I don't know.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (24:13)
It's just not blended kids tend to have their favorites and if mom like shannon said if I saw my mom This she's gonna be quiet cool and collected. I'm gonna go off quiet calmly. It's still all it's all the same. It's all bad, so Kids definitely adapt behavior. So let's just try to be careful and show them where they're you know and careful in what we're showing and If this is the partner you feel is meant for you, you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with You have the power to create the atmosphere that you desire
Shannon (24:24)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.
Shun (24:42)
and it's all in Utah.
Shannon (24:43)
Right. Yeah.
Shun (24:45)
It's all in your tongue, you know, so that means responding with love No reacting to emotions. You know, I've learned this new thing count to five before you react, you know Because it's certainly a difference mine and my husband's entire relationship changed once I started speaking the language I wanted him to walk in instead of responding to the language. He was giving me It's a difference, you know, and I didn't respond to his actions anymore, which was pride and ego
Shannon (24:56)
Mm -hmm.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (25:13)
And I want to reiterate, we're not talking about disrespect for your disgraceful things that will bring shame to you or your man. We're not talking about that. I want to be real clear. I ain't going for that. And I ain't finna advise nobody else. Y 'all deal with that how you want to. I keep some 100. I ain't going for that. But if it's pride and ego, those are things that we can all get over. You know, it was hard, but it wasn't impossible because look at me, you know, it was simply me making a decision. And did I want to be right?
Shannon (25:21)
Mm -hmm. Right. Right. Right.
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.
Shun (25:41)
or did I want a successful, healthy marriage? And that's the bottom line. Okay. All right. Well, let's get into our next segment.
Shannon (25:41)
Mm -hmm. That's right. That's Yep.
All right, here we go.
Shun (25:56)
So as you've all learned from season, episode one in this season, we've changed our segments from audience invite to our sweet little lies. And tonight reference comes to a, like last week, Chanice, not a friend, an associate of mine that wrote and wanted to let us know about her sweet little lie that has came crashing down. This young lady paid her boyfriend's, mm -hmm, clock me, boyfriend's rent for one year.
until her husband found out a little over a year. And once he found out, he left her promptly and quickly as he should have. And she went to the boyfriend and said, hey, we are free to be together now. He was like, bloop, I don't want you. You were fun, honey. You were not a commitment. And hold on, Shannon, this is the best part. If you did it to your husband, you think I'm gonna let you come do it to me?
Shannon (26:29)
it's all right.
Mm -hmm. Of course.
Shun (26:54)
I thought about waiting the eggs here. So we can train, we can be the same. I can be in the same shoes and that's all I could think about. And she was talking about, huh? Cause you know, my mind go off real quick, but anyways, so her sweet little lie is she just had to go around telling people that her marriage just came to an end and reconcilable differences because you feel too stupid and shame to tell somebody I got caught paying my boyfriend's rent. Cause lady, how old are you? Okay. So.
Shannon (27:01)
yes, yes.
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.
Right, Not touching.
Shun (27:22)
Not judging we're not judging i'm just saying y 'all please watch what you do watch what you do because i'm telling it never ends Well when you fool around with the marriages, okay, god is not pleased. That's the highest institution That's the highest institution besides this church The marriage is the highest institution and we have to honor that thing because i guarantee you whatever done in the dark Will come to the light now don't let us discourage you from telling us because we want to talk about it But I just said and done and if anybody else paying that boyfriend rent, please stop
Shannon (27:30)
No, no, it won't.
Shun (27:52)
It ain't gonna end well. Ain't gonna end well. And that's my sweet little lie for this week.
Shannon (28:02)
All right, love it. So tell them how to write in more sweet little lies.
Shun (28:09)
Okay, yeah cuz I look at Shannon I got so relaxed and the take in the back I just forget okay So if you have a sweet little lie that you'd like for us to share Please don't give us any name honey cuz I know she's shamed to death But you don't we don't even need a city or state We just want the content and if you want us to talk about it now Here's the thing if you want to celebrate you want our advice We'll be welcome to give it what we're well, you know, we'll be happy to give it to you Don't know if you'll like it now We keep it 100, but if you want to share your sweet little lie, you can hit us up at wifey and baby mama
Shannon (28:31)
Yeah, yeah.
Mm -hmm.
Shun (28:40)
gmail .com and that's wife and baby mama at gmail .com and we will read these on the sweet little lie segment each and every Thursday for the season
Shannon (28:52)
Right, excellent, excellent. All right, on to our final, final segment of the night, our new segment that we're calling, The Fictional Family We Feel, Fire or Forget. And tonight we're gonna talk about the Evans from Good Times. And the couple is Florida and James. When you talk about King and Queen behavior.
This is a couple living in the ghetto in the Chicago ghetto, raising three children in the worst of the worst, but they loved each other. didn't matter how many jobs James lost, cause he lost a lot of jobs. You know, he was down and out so many times and you know, as an adult watching it sometimes, you know, I'm looking at him like, dude, really? You know, but.
Florida, Florida never, there was so much love and respect between them. Even when they'd have their little bickering, was never anything to where there was disrespect in front of their children. It was always love. that, the kids in turn had so much respect for their mother and father. It's like, that's what you want in real life. I know we're talking about a sitcom family, but the way that
you know, they portrayed their lives and their struggles still showed a strong family bond and we'll never forget when James died because, you know, he was a truck driver like my husband and he ended up dying over the road in that famous, you know, Florida scene where she was damn, damn, damn.
I know we're laughing, it was powerful. It was sad and powerful, losing him. So this fictional family right here, the Evans, Florida and James, I'm definitely feeling them because of their king, queen. They spoke the right language to each other on a daily basis, no matter what situation they were in, no matter their hardships.
Shun (30:50)
It was sad. It was sad at the moment,
Shannon (31:18)
there was, you could feel the love and so.
Shun (31:22)
And I agree with you girlfriend. I think we're gonna feel them. I'm gonna fill them forever because Those are the things those are the situations that that make or break marriages and they could have broken a lot of times But they stuck and stayed man, and I love it. So I think I'm gonna fill them tonight with you girlfriend
Shannon (31:30)
All right, two feels, two feels. All right, so that is all we have for tonight. And excuse me, once again, we want to thank everyone for tuning in and joining us each and every Thursday night as we talk about this thing called life.
So until next week.
Shun (32:12)
Love you all. Bye.
