I Don't Want To Hold Your Bag
Download MP3James Harris (00:06.542)
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James Harris (00:31.693)
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shun (00:41.172)
Bye, I'm Shawn.
Shannon (00:44.851)
Hi, and I'm Shannon.
shun (00:44.98)
And we're the host of Wifey and Baby Mama. Happy Thursday, family. Welcome back. Welcome back. To another week with your favorite two hosts. And I'm elated to add to the excitement by announcing we have our first male guest of season three. Yes.
Shannon (00:52.373)
Yes, welcome.
Shannon (00:58.997)
Shannon (01:06.329)
I gotta give it up, give it up for the whole. Yes.
James Harris (01:10.444)
. .
shun (01:10.694)
My longtime friend, yes brother, ex -sergeant and my homie, James Harris, will be joining us tonight. We go way back, like full flat. James was married for over 20 years and has been divorced for about 10 or more. And if my memory serves me correctly, that's right. We met when we both worked for a prison governed by Homeland Security and was, he was my right -hand man. You know, if I needed help, it was one call and he was there.
Shannon (01:23.283)
shun (01:38.132)
And you don't meet too many people of the opposite sex that is close as we are with no intimacy or drama And you know ever being involved so I'm honored to have him drop some wisdom on our topic tonight title I don't want to hold your bed because my brother can tell you a thing or two about relationships and saying Goodbye, and I love that it keeps it 100 so Harris Why don't you introduce yourself and tell the audience a little bit about you before we get started tonight?
James Harris (01:39.403)
. .
Shannon (01:46.869)
Right, right.
Shannon (01:58.197)
James Harris (02:05.099)
My name is James Harris. I'm from Ufala, Alabama. Three kids, two with Masters, one RN, and you know, I'm God fearing.
Shannon (02:15.961)
All right. That's all right. Gotta give it up for that. That's something to cheer about right there. Oh my gosh. Give it up for your kids.
shun (02:16.532)
Uh huh.
shun (02:25.148)
He is that's right and he is God being which is why I raised raised such good kids You know, which of course are my nieces and nephews if he's my brother that's automatic, right? So he's my he's my brother in Christ and in life. So welcome to the show Shannon We're about to get real girl right along with the audience. We about to get it So if you want to know girl, yes, cuz this one has no shame. Okay This is my real -world version of act like a lady think like a man here
James Harris (02:35.594)
Shannon (02:36.597)
Shannon (02:43.925)
Yeah, yeah.
shun (02:53.14)
When I want some real advice on relationships, he keeps it solid. Whether it's going to hurt my feelings or not, you know, so that's why I like, I love him. So y 'all get ready for a ride now.
Shannon (02:54.549)
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Shannon (02:59.411)
That's what you want. That's what you want.
shun (03:05.812)
That's what you want. So, all right, James, since you are our guest tonight, I'm coming at you first. Tell me, have you ever experienced a relationship where you had to leave a person you was really feeling, you know, and thought like, this could be the one? Have you ever had to call it quits because they were hung up on an ex or concern or what family thought? And you decided, you know what, this is too heavy for me to carry. Now, don't go calling names. I don't want nobody waiting outside your house after the show over, but I'm just interested in knowing if that's ever happened.
James Harris (03:33.149)
Yes, definitely. Last relationship, young lady, you she said she was into the church and you know, you tell on yourself, you know, certain things, you know, you hang out together and you know, it comes out. You know, so, you know, she said some things that I know was ungodly. So, hey, it was time to move on.
shun (03:35.44)
you know, something has made you fine and say, you know what, goodbye.
Shannon (03:37.141)
Shannon (03:51.861)
shun (03:54.868)
shun (04:01.98)
Now so so let me ask I'm saying I was just about to say shanna go ahead
Shannon (04:04.373)
Can you go to any specifics? I want to hear some specifics. What do you mean?
James Harris (04:09.448)
Okay, okay, like, just say sin, for instance, you know, doing things that you're not married and you're doing, and then, you know, me being the leader, I'm asking for repentance and asking God, you know, to strengthen me in those areas. And she's like, you don't have to ask for repentance. And hey, I know that's not right.
shun (04:29.78)
That's true now So so let me ask you before you called it. Goodbye. Did you did you say hey? No, I think if I'm gonna be leader this the way we're going then then I think this was she totally against it Or did you give her a chance?
Shannon (04:31.093)
Okay, yeah, yeah.
James Harris (04:43.367)
Yeah, I gave her a chance because I thought she would have been the one I would have married this past June because, you know, we prayed together every night. Even if we wouldn't, and it's because she lived, I say, about an hour away. So I would call her every night and I would pray before we go to bed.
Shannon (04:52.821)
shun (05:00.852)
okay and you don't find that anymore Shannon.
Shannon (05:05.885)
And so when you, I know, so when you, yeah, I'm so intrigued. So when you, yeah, so when you brought up your concerns, what was her response? Was it, hey, we're good or I'll get better or I'm gonna try, I'm pray more. What was it? How did she come back at you?
shun (05:09.652)
I'm stumped.
James Harris (05:21.619)
Oh yeah!
James Harris (05:30.65)
You know, she really was like, you know, you might be a little farther than I am and I'm trying to get where you are, you know, that type thing. But you know, my thing is, if I'm somewhere that you're not, I need to bring you to my level. But don't act like you know what you know and you don't know. You know, because people attest you just to see.
Shannon (05:50.613)
Shannon (05:56.277)
Yeah, yeah.
shun (05:56.564)
That is true. But but may I ask you not like it's not religion is important. That is that is the most important thing I mean, you know, we haven't got lead Shannon and I we preach and we teach that and we hope that we drill that here at wife and baby mama You always want to go the right way So was that the only thing and I know that is a big thing But was that the only thing that like it wasn't something that you felt like you guys could have worked on I look Shannon, you know, I'm trying to fix something in it wasn't something you guys could have worked on because I
James Harris (06:16.813)
Oh, yeah!
Shannon (06:23.157)
I know, I know.
shun (06:23.828)
It seems like if she was an hour away and you was giving it that much time, it was someone you really could have, you were gonna get married. It seems like something you really could have just held out on. Was that the only thing I'm asking? Or was it other little things where you felt like, that's just, I just can't do it.
James Harris (06:36.777)
No, that was the only thing, you know, because, you know, be yourself. Don't try to impress me. Be you.
shun (06:46.29)
Chana, don't we preach that here too.
Shannon (06:49.909)
But yeah, we do. But it sounds like she was being her though. It sounds like she was being her by her actions, obviously. She was being her. And it doesn't sound like she was willing to do anything different based on this short little question and answer thing that we've done right now. So.
James Harris (07:10.788)
shun (07:13.726)
James Harris (07:18.116)
Shannon (07:20.057)
Going forward if you met someone like that, you know tomorrow That was sitting and gave you those same answers You know, what could you do differently because I'm thinking I look at me and Sean. I'm sorry. I'll back up. I'll take a step back I look at Sean and I you know, we haven't done everything right. We're on here. We're on this podcast You know trying to tell people all these things in there
shun (07:41.3)
Right. No, we haven't done the thing right.
Shannon (07:48.359)
We done that right? And they're looking at us like who you um, but um When I hear what you just said about her, you know, it's it's like okay and She it wasn't like she was pressed. Well, well, maybe she was was she pressing you for stuff that you didn't want to do I guess I just need a little more Intel What?
James Harris (07:54.543)
Well, okay.
Shannon (08:15.239)
Was she trying to go further? And if she was and you were pushing back and you know, so if the next girl does the same, you know, I don't know.
James Harris (08:21.762)
Okay, well my thing is like, and you know, I know most women won't believe this, but you know, I was like, I'm okay with not, you know, not sleeping together until we married. You know, I was good with that because I done changed from what I used to be. Now the old me, she wouldn't have stood a chance.
Shannon (08:35.221)
shun (08:37.716)
Mm -hmm.
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.
Shannon (08:42.197)
shun (08:43.636)
But I guess what I'm hearing Shannon is he's worked hard and I have a little unfair advantage than you. I'm sorry because I have known him so long. He's worked hard to become the man he is. You know what I mean? So when I get to this man, I don't want to go to a woman that's going to pull me back to that way and then we never get to marriage. Or we go into it the wrong way. Am I understanding that right James?
Shannon (08:45.877)
Shannon (08:52.469)
Yeah, yeah.
James Harris (09:00.145)
That's correct. That's correct.
shun (09:06.344)
Okay, so Okay, so what about a situation where you know You had baggage like no baggage in between you guys personally But maybe an ex kept coming up or or the family kept getting in the way Have you ever had any situations like that because I have a scenario with my ex -husband? But I want to hear from a man's point of view because in my case it was my fault So I want to tell my story but in your case was it ever an ex hang up between you and someone that made you say goodbye?
Shannon (09:09.269)
James Harris (09:27.308)
Yes, um, you know just like I say me talking to women and like I tell them my kids my kids don't come first, you know and Like I tell them, you know my ex, you know, she's a good lady And if I can help her I would help her but I would run it by you because I'm in a relationship with you
shun (09:42.034)
James Harris (09:53.504)
But I never want to see my kids mother struggle and that's not gonna happen if I can help that.
Shannon (09:59.637)
Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
shun (09:59.9)
Oh man, oh man, nothing wrong with that. And I think you putting that up front Shannon saves a whole lot of trouble in the end. You know what I mean? And we talked about this Harris in the first couple of seasons. Who you are, are the people we talked about in the first couple of seasons. Get it out of the way up front. Let me know what I'm dealing with. Let me be able to say, well, if you're gonna be that close, if you feel like you got to help your baby mama whenever you have to or your ex -wife, I can't deal with that. Or let me be mature enough to say,
Shannon (10:10.485)
Oh yeah, for sure, for sure.
Shannon (10:20.821)
James Harris (10:26.171)
That's right, that's right.
shun (10:28.212)
I think that's fine. But like you said, just run it by me and you know, it's all good. So I think it works either way. And some people tell you straight up, oh, I'm not dealing with that. And to me, that's selfish because Shannon and I always said, no matter how old the children are, you will always be their parents. You know what I'm saying?
Shannon (10:45.749)
Right. Yeah. Yeah. But there are reasonable expectations now. So if you're, if, if the mother of your child wanted you to come over every Saturday and, you know, I don't know, clean her gutters, her cut her grass, you know, that type of thing, you know, uh, uh, you're the woman in your life might say, wait a minute, you know, why did you have to personally go do this? Why do you have to go see her?
shun (10:48.72)
shun (10:57.588)
for her.
shun (11:13.756)
every Saturday. Absolutely.
Shannon (11:15.989)
Her name got nothing to do with the kids you're going over to cut the grass You're going over there clean the gutters or whatever ain't got nothing to do with the kids Have you ever been in situations like that because I could see why that would raise some type of you're like, okay Well, I would just want to make sure my kids got a nice place to stay or whatever. I don't know Have there been situations? Okay Okay
James Harris (11:19.73)
No, that's that that would be disrespectful, you know to the person that I'm you know involved with I would never do that
shun (11:40.82)
Okay, so so see he has a sense I understand it and we that's what we need people know it has to be a line like you said Shannon if it's to do with the kids if you have to go over every Saturday pick your kids up to take them to the doctors or basketball practice totally different but if you're doing anything to benefit that woman ever it's a total disrespect and I'm happy that you as a man understand that and unfortunately, you know, I know the pain of holding people's back firsthand and that's what happened with my
Shannon (11:42.453)
Okay, yeah, yeah, right, right. Yeah.
James Harris (11:52.381)
. . .
Shannon (11:54.703)
Right. Yeah.
Shannon (12:03.997)
shun (12:07.348)
Second husband and I Harris was a friend to both of us. He was like a brother to us both, you know, and I'm gonna give it to you straight most women like to play victim and accuse men of being the cause of divorce, you know a separation but with my second husband It was all me and my hang up with my ex, you know that finally caused us to have to say goodbye He was a man and ever since to the word he paid the bills He took care of the house inside and out He cooked clean shannon bought my food to the bed came got my plate when I was done. Okay?
James Harris (12:14.236)
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Shannon (12:21.269)
shun (12:34.546)
All I had to do was wake up and breathe and take care of the kids. Now, of course I work because I don't care how good of a man you are. We supposed to be help mates. And I don't know if it's right or wrong, but it's not one day a week you'll catch me not having my own money. And I believe in love and the power of it, but people can change on you and sometimes without warning and not having a way to feed me and mine will never happen. So, you know, personally, I think it's dangerous to be completely kept.
James Harris (12:43.036)
. . .
Shannon (12:51.061)
Mm -hmm.
James Harris (12:59.909)
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shun (13:00.244)
But I think it's beautiful when a man heads up to home, because that's what he should do. But to each his own, you know? But anyways, he just decided one day that he didn't want to hold my back. When it came to my bun, I still have a Jimmy. And it caused constant turmoil in our lives. And eventually, it just caused him to leave. Now, God knows it was my every intent to make that marriage work. And sometimes, though, the heart just wants what it wants, right? And I don't know if it's always the right thing.
Shannon (13:27.093)
Right, right.
shun (13:28.404)
But in my case, my physical body did end up where my heart was eventually. And thankfully, my ex -husband and I are the best of friends now. Because after some time passed, he too understood everything between us was fine. I was just in love with another man. And that's something any real man, no real man wants to compete with. Nor should they have to. Every person deserves to be loved wholly. You know?
Shannon (13:35.317)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (13:42.197)
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Right.
Shannon (13:55.229)
Mm -hmm. Yeah, totally agree.
shun (13:57.812)
And what do you think, Harris? Would you have stayed around in that situation? Or would you have done the same thing? You said no.
James Harris (13:59.054)
No. No, you know, because my thing, you only get one chance to cheat on me and you're done then. I don't do second chances.
Shannon (14:00.053)
shun (14:06.196)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.
Shannon (14:06.517)
I'm sorry.
shun (14:12.436)
Oh, but but let me but let me back up. I didn't cheat my ex -husband was in a whole different state We were nowhere near each other. It's just I was still in love with him. But I mean and you
Shannon (14:15.765)
James Harris (14:20.954)
No, no, I wasn't saying that. I'm just saying that, I'm just saying me myself, you know, it's just one and done. I didn't say that you cheated, but I'm just saying that I understand what you're saying. You know, you didn't love, you know, yeah, I agree to that, but I'm just saying myself, you know, if women cheat on me, it's nothing to talk about.
shun (14:44.66)
Okay, but what if...
Shannon (14:46.717)
Ooh, that's a touchy one. We might need a whole other episode on that because, you know, you see... Okay, okay, well, I'll let you...
shun (14:51.796)
We have one we have one so don't go too deep Shannon. We have one It's coming up at the end of the season hold that hold your horses Harris James, would you come back and run that one with us? No, she's got questions I Feel like if she go too deep tonight, we might we might step off So how that we would look Shannon we can bait him to come back. So hold that we gonna get it all tonight but but I totally get what what?
James Harris (15:01.973)
Shannon (15:02.377)
Yeah, because okay, okay, okay.
Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!
Shannon (15:19.029)
Right, right, yeah.
shun (15:20.308)
She said I have questions. I get what you're saying, but um, I it's so much more to that I hate that you said it's not got questions It's so much more to that, but we will slide on past that okay So let's talk about something on the flip side of what I just said or Shannon Do you know anyone who actually had to say goodbye because they don't want to hold the other person's bag? Have you ever experienced that one of your friends or in relationships? I just like to get all sides of it, you know?
Shannon (15:28.953)
I know.
Shannon (15:46.229)
Oh yeah, for sure, for sure. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then holding other people's bags, that could mean so many things. It could go from, you're getting with someone that has children already and you don't want to be with anyone with children. And I think we have a segment coming up about that. And you also have people where there are so many outside influences where their mother, I remember,
James Harris (15:51.448)
. .
Shannon (16:14.677)
really close friend of mine. She dated a guy and he was a mother's boy, a mama's boy or whatever you want to call him, mama's boy or whatever. And his mother ruled his life so much that they didn't live together at all. He had his own house and all of that. But everything that he did in his household was governed around what his mother said. So his mother said, don't allow anybody to come in this house with shoes on.
James Harris (16:21.207)
. .
shun (16:21.396)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (16:42.165)
make them put on these little booties that you put in and That's fine. If you know, that's what people do but it was all his mother's rules His mother's rules ran his house, even though his mother didn't live there so things like that and all these outside outside influences can you know, sometimes turn people off and You're like, oh my gosh, you know, am I living with you or am I living with your mother or?
or you know your mother's, the mother of your children because a lot of people too, you know, it's like, oh I can't do this because my child's mother doesn't allow me to do this at her house so I can't do this at my house and yeah, so holding people's bags, it can be heavy sometimes.
James Harris (17:13.877)
shun (17:29.428)
It gets heavy. It's good. Now, here's I know that you are really close with your mom. We talk all the time. He's on my mom's my mom cook because you're a single man. So you go by and grab your plate. Mama cookie girl. He said he has some neck bones and rice at the night. Lord, I almost went through the phone. I'm telling you, I missed the country. Honey, they don't country like they do in Buffalo. So what I'm saying is though, here's as close as you are with your mom, would you allow her to overstep like that in your marriage?
James Harris (17:44.437)
Shannon (17:44.669)
Oh, yes. I'm coming to Alabama.
James Harris (17:54.225)
No, I would like if I was going through something I would definitely want her opinion, you know, but You know, but at the end of the end of the day I'm gonna just follow my heart and I'm gonna pray and get my answer from God
shun (18:04.186)
Shannon (18:07.733)
shun (18:12.532)
And that's what you should do and that's exactly absolutely what but you should be doing now in my case what I was going to tell you shannon before I actually was it was a flip side of how my Holding my bag with jimmy it ran my my ex -husband off right now I wanted to come back with him and I almost ended this relationship for that reason with my with my husband now His his mom, you know, he's this baby of eight and I would think I say he's the youngest and his mom is really close to him, you know he's gone away for all those years, but
Shannon (18:13.781)
Yes, yes, that is it.
shun (18:41.874)
It was like a straight -up family meeting when we got married because she was straight up like I don't want you to meet her again And I was like wait a minute. What is what is going on right now? And I was like, okay, you know, I'm waiting cuz he's like well, we have to go to this meeting I'm like, are you kidding me? And so it's always that they were so close -knit It's like no like we move in this unit or whatever or whatever the case may be So I'm waiting
Shannon (18:52.693)
Yeah, yeah.
shun (19:06.164)
Fully waiting for him to get over him be like well This is what we're gonna have to do because my family said this I'm like, okay, bro. Here go your ring. We'll see you. It was nice knowing you Okay, but he held his ground chin and toes down and when the whole meeting was over they said well I just really don't agree with this I don't know if I'll be at the wedding and my husband told everybody in the room It's gonna be a wet and Saturday February 15 2020 we would love for you guys to be there But if not long as the preacher show up is happening
Shannon (19:14.917)
Shannon (19:19.605)
Mm -hmm. Yeah.
James Harris (19:27.14)
. . . . . .
shun (19:36.028)
And after that, I think I was safe and sane. I didn't have to worry about that, you know, even though that's how that family had been ran the whole time. He put his foot down because he made it clear. God, my wife. And again, it hasn't been all peaches and cream, but our marriage and our families ran a little more smoothly because as a man, he took that stance. Now, here's, you know, if he went the other way with that, this will be a mess right now. And it's still.
Shannon (19:41.685)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.
Shannon (19:47.541)
James Harris (19:49.17)
Shannon (19:52.181)
Shannon (19:59.573)
Mm -hmm.
shun (20:04.498)
And it's still times when you know I could see that he struggles because when you did the same thing for so long fellas or ladies It's hard to unbreak bad habits or habits at all But let me tell you something it must be done in order to rerun a set a successful relationship and marriage You can't hold on anybody else's back. It has to be you two and God and everything else has to fall in between Or beneath should I say not between?
Shannon (20:13.149)
Shannon (20:18.163)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (20:31.445)
Right. Yeah, yeah. And we're talking about, yeah, you know, we brought up our, you know, parents or mothers or whatever, but there's sometimes where it's the children too. So where the, yeah, if the, yeah, you're carrying the children's bag too. So if the children don't want you doing this or whatever, or they're interfering,
shun (20:42.228)
That's next week, Where the Love Lies. That's our episode next Thursday.
James Harris (20:44.529)
Well, I
shun (20:50.684)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (21:00.657)
You know, what do you do there? So Has anyone had that type of experience? I haven't You know, I only got the one child. Okay, let's let's talk about it. Let's hear it James. What whatever you had with that
shun (21:05.266)
But where?
James Harris (21:09.488)
Well, I was dating a lady and we had moved in together and you know, her son was like always in trouble at school. And you know, we would have to leave work to go get him. And I just got fed up with it. And then when I tried to discipline him, she would get mad with me and I was like, hey, I just can't do this anymore. And the child was the reason that we're not together.
shun (21:20.244)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (21:25.973)
shun (21:34.14)
Wow I don't want to hold your back. It happens like shannon said it's not always parents or friends or outside Sometimes it's the very own kids and hey, I get it I get it We have uh, we have uh, we have a guest coming on next week to talk about the way, uh Her her sibling her husband and um child bump head. So that'll be a whole nother subject guys So make sure you tune in next week and here's you make sure you come back and see how she handled it. So um,
Shannon (21:37.685)
Yeah, right, right.
Shannon (21:48.821)
James Harris (21:51.76)
Oh, definitely.
Shannon (22:00.341)
shun (22:04.036)
Yeah, I'll come just tune in next week to make you see but on the subject of holding bags I Think that's all I had to offer and I think is unique that I had I have two points You know it came from where I was holding the bag and then the bag was being held against me. So it's like It's like it's crazy, right? But it all comes down to making sure you make the right choice in the end, you know So you you two have any more to add to this title?
James Harris (22:17.903)
Shannon (22:20.693)
Shannon (22:28.533)
James Harris (22:30.413)
shun (22:31.484)
All right Okay, well i'm gonna wrap it up, you know, we're gonna wrap it up right here because we can go all night now But we're on a schedule and we want james to come back So we got to hold the other questions and we'll move on to our next segment But you all will hear from my brother again because there's so much more wisdom and relationship advice in him And I think he's like us shannon when you we either did it wrong so much You almost become an expert at doing it right, you know, because you bumped your head so many times
Shannon (22:32.213)
No, I don't.
Shannon (22:42.005)
James Harris (22:45.038)
That death
Shannon (22:57.043)
shun (22:59.302)
Now, you know what? You could give a class on what not to do, right? But another week, another week, another time. Tonight, we hope that Shannon and I have asked the right questions to make it clear. While holding someone else's back, we'll have you saying goodbye, even though you gave it your best try. Okay? Now, now you're about to experience an artist's invite, but before we do, let me just drop something on you, ladies. James is very single. You hear he's got fairing.
Shannon (23:07.155)
shun (23:28.274)
You and the youth follow surrounding areas. Maybe long this is I don't know how willing how far he willing to go. But if you're looking for a good Southern old school man, we got the hookup right here on Wife and Baby Mom. I'm just saying. I'm just saying. All right.
Shannon (23:28.661)
Ha ha ha ha.
Shannon (23:39.029)
Yes! Audience invite, here we go.
shun (23:51.892)
Our audience invite song title for last week was Worthless by artist Eli with the period at the end. I don't know if you got to put that in, but when you searching it up, E -L -I, period. And our topic was Last Name Blues. I thought this song really portrayed how last name differences can sometimes make us feel less than and question who are we supposed to be, especially when we're young or before we come into our own identity.
And also quickly I want to give the same disclaimer the sites does when you pull up the song It has some lines that are deep and refer to days You may want to harm yourself because the loneliness and heaviness of certain situations make you feel like you just don't want to go on and it goes to say that self -harm is never the answer and Here at wifey and baby mama. We second that hands down love can cure anything love covers a multitude And on this show we give it up
And we hope you feel the genuine love we have for you all. Now, if you're feeling this song or any tunes we dropped this season, this is your official invite to hit us up. Yes, you were invited to email us at wifeyandbabymama at gmail .com. That's wifeyandbabymama at gmail .com. And if you have any, you know, shout outs or requests for our brothers, hit us up on wifeyandbabymama. We'll get the message passed for you. Okay, Shannon, on to you.
Shannon (24:55.285)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (25:14.741)
Yes, all right. Yes. Love connections. That's what we're about to. Hey, we're all for it. Yes, all for it, all for it. And now we're, of course, in 27 countries. And I won't even keep naming them all, but we keep growing every week.
shun (25:16.244)
I'm out here doing love connections.
shun (25:22.752)
Good God, love connection. All for it.
Shannon (25:42.005)
Um, so I'm so thankful for the the Argentina we picked up argentina last week. I'm like, okay So all the new countries that we pick up, um every week. I am so grateful welcome Um for those who are listening around the world It means so much to us that You can identify with whatever we're saying. I don't know may or maybe it's just fascinating or
James Harris (25:47.465)
. . . . . .
shun (25:47.762)
shun (25:51.506)
Shannon (26:09.269)
or you're curious about two women that have a common denominator between them. I don't know what it is, but we love it. And Sean and I love each other. And we love each other. And we're so grateful for those around the world and for our guests, too. Thank you so much, James. I know Sean calls you Harris. So if you want me to call you Harris, I'll call you Harris, too. But I am so grateful.
James Harris (26:16.821)
That's five.
shun (26:17.876)
And we thank you.
James Harris (26:38.088)
. . .
Shannon (26:39.061)
We're so grateful that you're here. So now on to the fictional family I am feeling tonight. And the fictional family I'm feeling comes from the movie Acrimony. So I'm feeling the gales. And I know this wasn't a well received movie. So many people gave Tyler Perry so much crap on this one, but.
I have to pull it up because it started Taraji P. Henson, which of course is one of my favorite, or is my favorite actress, and LaReeq Bent. And in this movie, they met in college and they started out young and her and her guy, Taraji and her man, and...
His name was Robert in the movie and she was Melinda and When they started out yes, they were young so he he cheated on her in college and her sisters never let that go even though they went on to be married for 18 years and He was trying to you know get this invention off the ground so she sacrificed Melinda's
James Harris (27:37.703)
. .
Shannon (28:05.469)
and did everything for him to get this invention off the ground, but her sisters are always in her ear, always. And a lot of us have that when we talk about people, you know, hearing someone's, you know, holding someone's bag and someone trying to bring you down or whatever. So June and Brenda, especially Brenda, oh my God, they were in her ear telling her all these things and then they told her, oh yeah, he cheated on you again.
shun (28:13.234)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (28:36.885)
which he had not done. So the particular scene I'm going to focus on is the one where he comes home after missing a crucial appointment with one of her sisters because he was working for the sister and he missed an appointment because finally his whole invention thing was about to take off. But Melinda, because she'd heard from her sisters all this, he's cheating, he's cheating.
She says to him, you know, I've been supporting you all this time. You you've never done anything for me, so it's time for you to go. I'm not wasting any more time with you. And he's pretty much begging her. He's like, this is it. You know, I was offered $800 ,000 for this invention, but it's not enough.
And she's like, well, if 800 is a lot, because you've caused me to lose my mother's home because she had put a second mortgage on her mother's home and lost it because of his whole trying to get the invention. Her sister is sitting right there, you know, talking trash, you know, how families do. And they're trying to get her to, you know, just walk away. And of course she does. He leaves, he walks away.
But then that $800 ,000 ends up, if you watch the movie, it turns into like, I don't know, 75 million or something like that, or 300 million. And he gives her 100 and, or how much, or I don't care. Oh, 10 million, I'm sorry. 10 million, yes, he gives her 10 million. Yes, exactly, exactly. And so he.
shun (30:19.86)
No, he ten million dollar. He gives her a million dollars And she had only spent about a million on her I'm sorry. He has been about a million on him. She's been about a million on him. So he ten times her He ten times her when he got the money back
Shannon (30:34.737)
Right. Yes, yes. And got her mother's house back, you know, and then, but she wants to go to court and sue him because she figures, because she got her sisters in her ear, you get more, you get more, he owes you more than this or whatever. When she could have had it all if she would have just stuck by him and not let the outside influences, you know, so.
shun (30:39.836)
James Harris (30:58.171)
Shannon (31:03.655)
you know, those outside people holding those bags outside of what they had going on, she would have been good, you know? And that happens to a lot of relationships. And I look at, you know, Sean and I, we've talked, you know, plenty of times, you know, even in my own marriage, you know, I have.
When people say keep stuff to yourself, that's that's a true statement and we'll have another pro show on that too Because as soon as you say something to someone that they don't agree with They want you out They're like get out of there, you know, get rid of him Divorce him or whatever. So in this in this fictional family with the gals
shun (31:47.028)
Shannon (31:56.295)
you know, if she would have just held on to what she believed in for those 18 years, for 18 years. Mm -hmm.
shun (31:58.228)
I think it was what seven months? Seven months or so later. I don't even think it was a year later that he got blessed with all that money And I think that was a testament to say when it gets that bad That's when you hang on the end is where you hang on because you usually you usually break right before you break through right and I think the enemies went through her sisters took him because Girl when he cried at the divorce asked her just please don't do even if she'd had him in a homeless shelter for months
Shannon (32:08.305)
Exactly. Yes.
Shannon (32:13.813)
That's right, that's where you hang on.
Shannon (32:24.821)
shun (32:26.452)
When she called him for the final divorce, he said, would you please just not leave me? She did not want the sister was still saying you better sign those baby. Let me tell you something people make your own decisions because her listening to her sisters cost her 300 million in the life. She had 18 years she had worked for and listening to them and seven months she lost it, but he gave her $10 million. So I think he was more than a man. I went to see this movie with a few of my girlfriends and they want to beat me by the end because they are.
Shannon (32:28.721)
Shannon (32:35.701)
Right, right. Make your own.
Shannon (32:46.093)
Shannon (32:51.157)
Yes, he did.
James Harris (32:53.952)
I have
shun (32:54.612)
Oh, he said he did her wrong. I said no he did adjust right because just like Harris said you don't get but one time to do me bad He had given her 10 million dollars, which means I love you I respected what you do did for me, but you'll never get to make me feel like that again You'll never get to do that again. So and Harris did you see that movie?
Shannon (32:56.853)
Ha ha!
Shannon (33:07.669)
Right, right.
shun (33:14.648)
No, and then you see how her greed at the end cost her it cost her dearly Because all you had to do was take your 10 million and walk away because you know what you should have said my mistake That's what I would have said Shannon because I did not did I not just take my own from my ex -husband if he became a billionaire right now I'll be like girl you you did that you you know and not that it matter because I'm with the man that I love But see she did that and was left holding
Shannon (33:16.565)
Shannon (33:27.293)
Mm -hmm.
Shannon (33:31.669)
Shannon (33:35.581)
Shannon (33:38.933)
Shannon (33:43.261)
shun (33:43.316)
Now she holding somebody else's back. She didn't want that man. And then she was left miserable because she didn't take care of her own business.
Shannon (33:47.605)
holding somebody else back, right?
Shannon (33:53.043)
James Harris (33:53.439)
You're so very welcome. I appreciate being here.
shun (33:55.348)
Oh yeah, that's a great personal family girl.
Shannon (33:55.995)
All right. So that is, thank you, thank you. So that is the fictional family I am filling tonight. And once again, I wanna thank our special guest, James Harris. Thank you so much for coming on tonight. We appreciate you and we welcome you back anytime.
shun (34:09.492)
Thank you, brother.
shun (34:14.516)
Thank you brother, I surely appreciate your realness and we'll have you back again
Shannon (34:23.569)
Yes. Thank you, thank you. And to all our listeners around the globe, you know, we look forward to spending this time with you every Thursday. And until next week, love you all.
shun (34:23.604)
I'm going to go ahead and close the video.
shun (34:35.218)
Love you all.
